Grouper: un Kazaa privado

Grouper permite compartir archivos con aquellas personas a las cuáles le das permiso. Además, puedes compartir música de forma legal mediante la tecnología de streaming. Sin spyware, sin problemas legales y gratuito, grouper tiene un lugar muy importante en la tecnología Peer to Peer.


Grouper was born out of the ongoing frustration of trying to share media with our friends. We had all amassed 1,000s of files on our computers (photos, video clips, music, animated shorts, shareware, etc), yet when it came to sharing, the technology sucked. Emails would get blocked because files were too big. Burning discs for our friends took hours and costs too much over time. Uploading lots of files to sites was painful and they would restrict how these files could be used by friends. We knew there had to be a better way to share with people we know, discover what our friends like and experience it all together.