El efecto Flipper: Delfines para la depresión

Un grupo de investigadores ha encontrado que los pacientes deprimidos que comparten con delfines logran reducir de manera significativa sus síntomas:

To test unconfirmed reports that dolphins could help people with learning disabilities and mental health problems, the researchers offered 10 patients a regimen of surf, sun, sand and dolphins, said Dr. Michael A. Reveley, a professor of psychiatry at the University of Leicester in England and the senior author of the study. To try to draw a valid comparison, another group got the same regimen, minus the dolphins. The study found that the patients who took part in the program that let them spend time with bottlenose dolphins for two weeks enjoyed relief from their symptoms.

Lo bueno de todo esto es que lo que he llamado el «Efecto Flipper» no tiene efectos secundarios.

Referencia: Therapies: A Dose of Dolphins for Moderate Depression