Necesito que seas un feed para leerte

Dean Shareski  discute el valor  de tener un blog desde el punto de vista del poder del RSS.  Este es un artículo que  hay que leerle en voz alta  a los educadores, profesores, investigadores y todo aquel que de alguna forma quiere ser efectivo comunicando sus ideas.  

Blog because it adds a personal touch to your work. Blog as an extension of your work. Blog to market yourself. Read Naked Conversations if you don’t believe me. Don’t tell me you don’t have time. You all spend lots of time in great offline conversations and experiences, simply bring these online. People are interested. I don’t have the time to check your websites periodically to see if you’ve got something new. I’m being selfish but you have to  come to me. That’s what RSS is for!

Vía Stephen Downes