Lo virtual es lo físico

Esto es lo que tienen que comprender aquellos que piensan que lo virtual es inferior a lo físico:

The virtual and the physical aren’t some kind of opposing realities or competing realms that need in some way to be ‘balanced’. The difference between the physical and the virtual is illusory – it is a distinction that has been marketed hard by companies that want to keep sellig you paper. But the virtual is the physical – the people online are real, the computers are real, the impact of your words is real, and it all happens in the physical world to people with physical bodies. So much in our world is illusion and fiction. (Stephen Downes)

2 comentarios

  1. ahhhhhhh me encanto este post y desde hace mucho tiempo llevo explicándole esto mismo a la gente… lo virtual es lo físico ❗

  2. Jonathan;

    Si hay que repetir esto como si fuese un mantra: lo virtual es lo físico. Llegará el día en que todos aceptaremos estos como una verdad absoluta.

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