Alanis y Jung

imageEstaba casi seguro que Alanis Morrisette  tenía que conocer de la psicología de Carl Jung pues el contenido de varias de sus canciones revela principios fundamentales de esta psicología. En esta entrevista se valida mi hipótesis cuando habla de “shadow therapy”:

And so it is that I find myself early one Monday morning, in an antiseptic room in one of London’s more expensive hotels, with the Canadian superstar holding court on the benefits of a form of treatment she is currently undergoing, known as Shadow Therapy. Apparently, Carl Jung first coined the phrase. She endeavours to explain.

"Basically, it’s a process to help locate the different parts of one’s self – all parts, both good and bad, light, shadow and dark – to help create a whole. And that, for want of a better word, is my goal. To become whole. It doesn’t matter whether that means whole in my anger or my rage or my greed or my generosity or any other polarity. The aim, simply, is to be whole and be OK with that." She stops talking, and I am grateful. "Does that make sense?" she wonders.

Y para demostrarlo compartimos dos de mis favoritas: