Categoría: WebCT

Efectividad del Chat

Bessie Rivera, redactora de Universia.PR, publicó un ensayo interesante sobre el uso educativo del chat.

Script para cursos en WebCT

«These scripts centralise some tasks that might otherwise result in duplicate code, thus improving the maintenance of your WebCT course. They include a script to add «interal links» to pages produced by WebCT (Organiser, Modules, Assignment dropboxes, quizes, etc.); along with scripts to add a standard header and footer to content pages. The zip archive …

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Discussion Extractor

Esta herramienta en muy útil para aquellos profesores que usan WebCT y desean re-utilizar los foros de forma creativa:»This tool addresses the problem of re-usability of student interactions in WebCT Discussions, and allows an instructor or a student to export a fully threaded discussion object from WebCT for re-use in course content, analysis/research, ePortfolios, recordkeeping, …

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